Thursday, January 24, 2008


Growing Opportunities For North America

There is an ugly trend taking place all across North America these days. That trend is lack of financial security for many hard working people. The corporate world, also kindly referred to as "Corporate America" no longer has the loyalty to it's employees as days gone by. More and more you hear of major corporations closing their doors and as a result more and more hard working people are left wondering what they can do.

So what are some options that will allow people to take control of their lives, their finances and their future? There is always the lottery, but considering one in every few million people win the lottery it isn't the most optimistic option.

A real, simple option for many people across the United States, Canada and globally is Network Marketing. Now, before you close your mind to this option consider the facts from research which was done over four years ago.

- In 2002, more than $28 Billion dollars was made through Network Marketing in the United States alone.

- Network Marketing industry has created more millionaires than any other industry around.

- Many of the mainstream products and stores you see today in retail shopping malls around the country were started because Network Marketing companies introduced the products to the mainstream. - Many fortune 500 companies have created Network Marketing divisions in their business to assist in distribution of the products.

- Although Network Marketing is a massive industry in North America, it pales in comparison to what it is like Internationally where opportunities are not as easy to come by.

- It may be the only business model where a normal everyday person can acheive amzing financial results.

Why Network Marketing? Many successful Network Marketing companies take the guess work out of starting a business for you. They provide the products, training, system, marketing tools and resources, and they are incredibly affordable considering the return on the investment possibilities. The requirement from you, is that you put forth the effort to succeed.

Why do people turn their backs to a business model that is proven to work? Failure- almost everyone knows someone who "tried one of those things" and failed. What those people don't realize is that their failure was a choice. A person who tries something for a couple of weeks was destined to fail before they even got started. Any network marketing company is a business and deserves to be treated as a business. If it is treated as a hobby the results you see financially will resemble what happens with a hobby. Hobbies cost money, businesses make money.

One important aspect to look into is the companies longevity. Literally thousands of network marketing companies are started every year. Most of them never make it past the first year of business. So, be on the lookout for a company that has been around for at least five years. If they have made it that long, you know they are in for the long haul. By that time most companies have proven they work, because if they don't work they wouldn't have made it that long. They've also had plenty of time to prove that they are a legitimate business. Government officials do not allow companies to survive if they are not legitimate, five years of business gives the government ample time to do their research.

Although the term Network Marketing may carry with it a bad reputation, it is wise to begin opening your eyes to the possibility. Job security, great retirement plans, benefits are all a thing of the past. In today's society you are responsible for your future, not your employer. Make a conscious decision to secure the kind of life you deserve.

Copyright (c) 2006 Eric Seidelman

Eric Seidelman is a successful home business entrepreneur. For more than 2 years he has successfully assisted countless people to start their own home business and take control of their lives. Visit: for more information about how Eric Seidelman can assist you.Verna Blog95372
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