Thursday, January 24, 2008


How a 21 Year Old Makes Enough Money To Go To College For Free

How many times have you stayed up to watch a late-night infomercial, explaining to how you could make millions doing hardly any work?

I know I used to watch them, hoping one day Id finally find something actually worth investing my time and money into.

Fortunately I never had to take the route of taking the advice of some expert who wanted $599 from me to learn the secrets of the trade. I found something much more powerful, much easier, and much cheaper. It also takes up much less of my time.

What Im talking about is a company called Site Build It! also known as SBI! (Yes, the exclamation point is supposed to be there).

The owner of this company is an absolute genius. He found a growing trend that of building websites online - and figured out the weaknesses of other hosting companies and online website building companies, and turned them into SBIs strengths.

You see, building a website online is one of the easiest and best things you can do to create yourself an extra stream of income. All you need is a little of your time, some knowledge about any topic youre interested in, and the help of SBI!

However youll still hear many complaints from people that theyve tried building websites online and it doesnt work anymore. Im here to tell you that the only reason they arent succeeding is because they dont have Site Build It!

Another complaint from website owners is that although they thought it would be cheap to set up a website, it really isnt. Website builders lure you into thinking that youll only pay for the website address and the hosting fees, but they forget to mention that youll need thousands of dollars worth of extra tools in order to do well. They also dont mention the fact that unless you have studied Internet marketing for hundreds of hours, you will probably have no idea what youre doing.

With SBI! its very different. For one, its an all inclusive package. You wont ever have to buy any other software or tools in order to make your website succeed. You wont need to devote hundreds of hours into learning how to build and market a website on the Internet. Using the very unique block-builder literally anybody can make a website.

When I came across this company, I was blown away. Finally, an answer to all my problems was right in front of my eyes. I had this underlying feeling inside me that was saying this is the opportunity youre looking for. After you learn more about the company, youll probably feel the same way.

So I decided to purchase the product. After all, it comes with a satisfaction guarantee which means that if youre not happy with it, you can get a refund at any time.

I spent some time watching their 10-day action guide in order to learn the basics, and I was ready to go. I researched a few passions of mine (using the amazing tools they provide to make it super-easy) and figured out what would be the most profitable.

So I started writing, adding graphics, and setting up the website. To be honest, I spent a lot of time on it in the beginning because I got addicted! I never thought I would enjoy writing as much as I do now.

My income has grown every month, and right now I make enough money each month to pay off my college loans that Ill have to start paying when I graduate college this year.

How would you like to pay your mortgage each month, even if you hardly work? Or how about just have more money to spend on your spouse, entertainment, your children, or to fund other investments?

As a testament to how powerful it is to have your own website, let me share this with you. I just got back from vacation a few days ago. I was gone for a week and had absolutely no access to a computer. When I got back I checked my stats and figured out that I made $135 while on vacation!

Another great thing about having your own website is that you get to share your passion with thousands of people. Its a great feeling knowing that youre the expert people come to if they have questions about your passion or hobby.

SBI! has changed my life in such a way that I cant explain it. Its taught me countless lessons, made me more passive income than I could have ever expected, and continues to make more money as times goes on. The SBI! community is the most amazing online community Ive ever been a part of, and the owner, Ken Evoy, is a phenomenal person.

I believe everything happens for a reason. That being said, I believe theirs a reason that you found and read this article. Thats why I encourage you to visit the website listed in my bio just below this article and check out the website for further details. Opportunities are missed everyday. Dont let today be one of those days.

Jeremy Reeves is a college student who was lucky enough to come across a company called Site Build It! Through them he has built a website that continues to earn him enough money to pay for his college tuition. You can read his story at Blog44071
Vanda Blog17655

Searching For The Best Membership Management Software Across The Web

The Web is truly the best venue where you could possibly find the best membership management software. You must be looking for that computer program for quite some time already. And your membership organization might really be badly needing the aid by such types of software.

If you are running a small startup and your labor staff is still very minimal, you must aim to achieve greater efficiency. Your employees must be well adept in using different computer programs as well as the basic operating transactions for your companys business. However, most workers are finding it hard to balance computer program familiarization and basic business skills.

For example, not all employees are adept in using the complicated and widely used computer programs. They may be experts in the management and operating levels, but their computer skills might not be as impressive. You cannot avoid hiring these types of employees because you are after the quality and expertise in handling important transactions for your company.

Now, you can have a quick remedy to this pressing problem. There are many membership management software that are currently being introduced and sold across the world wide Web. Many software developers have spent considerable time and effort doing research and writing such software products.

Benefits of investing in membership management software

There are many reasons why you should spend capital allocation for buying membership management software. One top reason is that such computer programs will surely infuse all the computer tools and programs that would make everyday transactions in your office more efficient.

Membership management software usually consists of the most practical and widely used computer programs and applications, like those used in basic data encoding, those that are used in making tables and incorporating computations, those used in formal presentations and many more. There are also other basic features like Internet connectivity and basic database applications. Thus, when all these programs and more are combined in one single software, time and effort would surely be saved.

Another advantage of using membership management software is that it will save time. Imagine how many seconds or minutes your employees would lose if they keep on starting up and closing basic computer applications. Sometimes, it is also inevitable that the programs are accidentally shut down, prompting a need for a program restart. With the use of membership management software, everything they would need is already in one package program.

Buying in the Web

Buying a membership management software across the Web is never a hassle. It would be easy. You can download such programs quickly, instantly and conveniently. Within seconds and hours, your office would have the needed membership management software to help your employees make it through each day.

You can do each purchase like a usual online buying transaction, where you need credit cards or a bank transfer account for purchase payments. If you would be lucky enough, there are also free trial versions of such software. However, such trial issues can be used only within a few months.

If you are aiming to improve efficiency and effectiveness of people behind our startup small enterprise, it would be imperative that you invest in a membership management software. Web purchases would mean so much convenience, so yourself could spend your spare time doing other productive tasks.

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information about membership software or membership management software checkout http://www.extrememember.comVerna Blog95372
Evangelina Blog59631

New Social Network Marketing Secret

Using the power of Social Networking websites like MySpace or other blogging sites is a great way to promote your business. However, because most of these sites are free, they tend to provide a 'value-less' experience. Instead, a new type of Social Networking website - A Social Reward and Recognition space - can provide an incredibly valuable sales and marketing tool for a very small financial outlay. Let's illustrate this claim by examining a very real example.

Being a nominee on the1000best, a new social reward and recognition website is turning into a marketing dream for Helen Van Den Berg, a tour guide operating from a small remote town in Australia. Helen's profile as 1 of the1000best has seen her inundated with tributes and boosts from her clients, all with one very clear message that Helen is the best tour guide in the world.

Helen's nomination as 1 of the 1000 best tour guides in the world was gifted to her by friends as a way of rewarding, recognising and saying thank you. This gift gave her a Personal Space page on the1000best where Helen profiled herself, her own newly launched web site and her Tour Guide business.

As well as the profile, the website also encourages ongoing positive reinforcement for nominees by giving people the ability to boost' their favourite nominees on a daily basis and to send tribute messages. It is the tribute messages that are paying off handsomely for Helen. "I have been overwhelmed by the tributes I have received and I have been on a constant high with all the positive feedback. This website has to be the ultimate marketing tool - this type of marketing is priceless and it's lead to an amazing amount of traffic to my own website". takes social networking in a totally new direction. Rather than just providing a platform to connect people, goes the next step by offering a gift of social reward and recognition. Generally, anyone can join a social network for free however to get connected on someone must value you enough to purchase a gift nomination and nominate you as 1 of the1000best in the world (according to them). People with business interests and who are fortunate and worthy of nomination then have a very public platform to market themselves by way of sharing the positive experiences of their clients with the world. Referral systems like this are worth their weight in gold.

Savvy business owners can also nominate their employees or business teams and use the power of social networking and social recognition to both reward their people and gain valuable positive advertising. This is a form of synergistic marketing, in which the business is linked to positive values and social appreciation. As Grant Soosalu, one of the developers of commented "Social Networking is a huge and growing phenomenon, and now provides a fantastic mechanism for showcasing your business by linking your people into this network of value".

So if you want to really make use of Social Networking to promote your business, and do so in a way that links to strong positive values, check out:

it can work wonders to promote your business.

Grant SoosaluVanny Blog26278
Fawne Blog78427

Growing Opportunities For North America

There is an ugly trend taking place all across North America these days. That trend is lack of financial security for many hard working people. The corporate world, also kindly referred to as "Corporate America" no longer has the loyalty to it's employees as days gone by. More and more you hear of major corporations closing their doors and as a result more and more hard working people are left wondering what they can do.

So what are some options that will allow people to take control of their lives, their finances and their future? There is always the lottery, but considering one in every few million people win the lottery it isn't the most optimistic option.

A real, simple option for many people across the United States, Canada and globally is Network Marketing. Now, before you close your mind to this option consider the facts from research which was done over four years ago.

- In 2002, more than $28 Billion dollars was made through Network Marketing in the United States alone.

- Network Marketing industry has created more millionaires than any other industry around.

- Many of the mainstream products and stores you see today in retail shopping malls around the country were started because Network Marketing companies introduced the products to the mainstream. - Many fortune 500 companies have created Network Marketing divisions in their business to assist in distribution of the products.

- Although Network Marketing is a massive industry in North America, it pales in comparison to what it is like Internationally where opportunities are not as easy to come by.

- It may be the only business model where a normal everyday person can acheive amzing financial results.

Why Network Marketing? Many successful Network Marketing companies take the guess work out of starting a business for you. They provide the products, training, system, marketing tools and resources, and they are incredibly affordable considering the return on the investment possibilities. The requirement from you, is that you put forth the effort to succeed.

Why do people turn their backs to a business model that is proven to work? Failure- almost everyone knows someone who "tried one of those things" and failed. What those people don't realize is that their failure was a choice. A person who tries something for a couple of weeks was destined to fail before they even got started. Any network marketing company is a business and deserves to be treated as a business. If it is treated as a hobby the results you see financially will resemble what happens with a hobby. Hobbies cost money, businesses make money.

One important aspect to look into is the companies longevity. Literally thousands of network marketing companies are started every year. Most of them never make it past the first year of business. So, be on the lookout for a company that has been around for at least five years. If they have made it that long, you know they are in for the long haul. By that time most companies have proven they work, because if they don't work they wouldn't have made it that long. They've also had plenty of time to prove that they are a legitimate business. Government officials do not allow companies to survive if they are not legitimate, five years of business gives the government ample time to do their research.

Although the term Network Marketing may carry with it a bad reputation, it is wise to begin opening your eyes to the possibility. Job security, great retirement plans, benefits are all a thing of the past. In today's society you are responsible for your future, not your employer. Make a conscious decision to secure the kind of life you deserve.

Copyright (c) 2006 Eric Seidelman

Eric Seidelman is a successful home business entrepreneur. For more than 2 years he has successfully assisted countless people to start their own home business and take control of their lives. Visit: for more information about how Eric Seidelman can assist you.Verna Blog95372
Felita Blog74340

The Cold Hard Truth About Your Warm Market

It's been widely documented that fully 90% of home-based business owners fail to make a profit. A lack of training from your upline or just plain bad training are the main causes. Luckily, there are resources and tools available to the average network marketer to pull himself up by the bootstraps and start making some profits.

A beginner network marketer's typical training consists of being told to make a list of 100 people he knows on a first-name basis, his warm market. Instead of being given instruction on how to approach his warm market, he is lazily told that his "why must be bigger than his how." The ugly truth is that some heavy hitters in the industry view the new networker as nothing more than a means to this warm market. Hence the embarrassing practice of the three-way call in which the newbie sits idly by while his friend or family member is ambushed by his sponsor.

The newbie's sponsor knows that this is a numbers game and that out of the 100, a ratio of about 10 new recruits will likely result. Of course, the new networker views his friends and family as more than just numbers, but he is told never to prejudge anyone. He'll likely soldier on for a few months, harassing his friends and family and embarrassing himself along the way.

It's well known in the sales industry that this approach is no longer effective. Cold calling, which is basically what this practice is, is dead. It is much more effective to put your time and energy toward marketing to people who have already expressed an interest in starting their own home-based business. And luckily, this is a large, worldwide market accessible via the Internet.

If you're new to MLM and are finding it frustrating you're not alone. It doesn't mean you should give up. Fortunately, there are a lot of great resources online for learning how to market and sell to prospective recruits. If your upline can't provide adequate training, you have an infinite number of resources available to you to shorten your learning curve. Forget about cold calling your warm market and start marketing smart.

Ali Lyons was a disgruntled network marketer until she started learning how to leverage the power of the Internet. To learn more visit her blog at:Filia Blog7623
Vania Blog57758

2nd Installment: 6-Figure A Year Work-At-Home Opportunity

(This is the second in an ongoing series of articles chronicling my success with the Prosperity Automated System (PAS) that passively generates a 6 figure yearly income for many work at home business owners. Through this series of articles youll be able to look over my shoulder and decide if this type of home business is for you.)


Morning came, and after taking my morning walk I sat in Starbucks looking at the brochure I had put to print. Pretty impressive. Testimonials up the yin yang. Heartfelt testimonials. Testimonials from doctors. Was I missing something? I needed a little more time to think about it.

As September began, I had put together a list of over 30 questions about the business opportunity. Finally, I decided to go to re-visit the website and enter my name, email address and phone number in the spaces provided and hit the Please Call Me Now button. Yes, I wanted answers to my questions, but I also wanted to test their automatic phone follow-up, since this was the backbone of the PAS program.

In no less than 15 minutes later I received a call from a team leader who answered one question after another about how this work at home system worked. I was relieved that there was no hard sell whatsoever. My questions exhausted, I finally decided to sign up. What was the alternative? Besides, I had to admit that the companys follow-up exceeded my expectations.

Instead of taking my money, the team leader I spoke to referred me to the owner (or sponsor) of the website I used to generate the call. I contacted my sponsor by email and paid her the $3,895 for the Premier Business Package. My storefront was up and running 24 hours later. I also received an email from my sponsor offering a number of relatively inexpensive ways to promote my site, which was very appreciated.

Through my emails with her, I learned that she had generated $12,000 in July and $21,000 in August! She also mentioned that her parents were so impressed with her newfound wealth that they decided to become premier members too! In fact, my purchase of the program was their qualifying sale! Hmmm, I thought. Maybe I had made the right decision after all.

In having a successful sponsor, I began to realize that I had an incredible sales tool namely, her success with the program. So I decided to include her Success Timeline on the About Me page of my site (the About Me page is an area of the site where you can include information about yourself, and any other information you want to include). To me, it was one of the most important pages on the site.

I wondered how many others were lucky enough to get successful sponsors who offered to assist them. I vowed to do the same for people that signed up under me. Id give them everything my sponsor had passed on to me, as well as the low cost and no cost internet marketing techniques that had worked so well for me. But first, I had to become successful myself!

My first order of business was to change the site around and make sure my site showed visitors how to reach me by email and phone. I wanted to be accessible. I figured if someone was going to lay this much hard-earned money down, the least I could do was make myself available. Then I added some sales copy about the PAS program on the autoresponder emails that went out to all the opt-in visitors to my other websites, including, of course, links to my PAS site.

Because I was familiar with how to distribute articles around the internet, I decided to create an ongoing series of articles that chronicled my success with the PAS program. Waiting had never been my strong suit, but even in the welcoming email I received on the PAS system, they said it was important to be patient. SoI waited.

(Look for the next installment in a few days, as I await my first order and start using other ways to promote my site.)

To learn more about the 6-figure work at home opportunity Paul is discussing, please visit:

Paul Johnson is an online author and publisher of stock, real estate, and work at home income opportunities. To learn more about the work at home business hes discussing, go to: Blog9439
Faythe Blog1608

How To Become A Super Affiliate In Less Than A Month

How would you like to make money online as an affiliate? Better yet, how would you like to turn yourself into a Super Affiliate and make money online even more that you could not stop your money from filling up your bank account every month?

There is no doubt there are many affiliate marketers on the Internet. Some are very successful and some just earn enough to pay their bills every month. In order to make money online selling affiliate product, you need to adjust your mind set and become a super affiliate.

Super affiliate like Ewen Chia and Russell Brunson is making million of dollars each and every year. They don't do things like normal affiliate marketer did. If you want to make money online the same way they did, you will have to think like them.

So here's how, if you want to recruit some affiliates for one product that you have just launched, you will have to motivate them. One way is to create some samples for your affiliates, so they have something to give to prospective customers. For instance, with a video product, take clips from the video; and for audio, do the same thing. For software, you may want to create a demo version. Allowing your affiliates to distribute this demo and sample products will increase their conversion rates.

Consider setting up a multi-level commission system as a means to recruit affiliates. You will be making more money online if you implement this method. For instance, if one affiliate recruits another affiliate who makes 10 sales, that first affiliate earns a percentage on all of those 10 sales. This will give other business and list owners with a following an incentive to participate, even if they can't directly sell your product.

If you're planning to coordinate a massive launch with affiliates, always plan to purchase professional graphic headers and e-covers, too. If your sales page does not look professional, you will immediately lose a lot of potential affiliates. Like you, they want to earn a decent return from their efforts; and they also want to associate with good products, not amateur ones. They want to make money online with someone who they can trust without cheating them.

Use ClickBank as your affiliate program administrator and coordinate a massive launch. This will have an exponentially positive effect. The more sales you close, the faster your product or service will rise to the top of the ClickBank charts. As your product gets higher, more affiliates will pick up your product, further increasing your profits.

If you contact someone and ask them to become an affiliate for you, always remember to give them a free copy of your product or service. Not only will this increase their likelihood of actually becoming your affiliate, but it will also make them considerably more effective as an affiliate, since they will actually understand what the product provides.

They are just no boundary to make money online as a super affiliate. All you need to do is to think outside the box a little bit. Copy every method that has been mentioned above which is proven can make you more money online.

Izrul Fizal has made a living earning himself a residual income every month. Visit his website Make Money Online at and to find out how.Erinn Blog1774
Faythe Blog1608

Denver Internet Marketing

If you are reading this, then you probably have heard at least some rumor that the Internet is big business. You may have heard of a lot of things, and you are interested in seeing if you can start a business on the internet. Maybe you already have an Internet-based business and you want to see if you can make that business more prosperous. Maybe you have a business without an Internet connection and you are interested in learning if the Internet can help your business grow. If any of these situations fit you, look at New Medias Denver Internet Marketing experts. We can help you.

New Media has been in the business of helping businesses like yours for ten years. We know what it is like to struggle to maintain a business on the Internet. We have survived the ups and downs of the economy and the Internet troubles. We have learned what helped our business. We have learned what works for other businesses. We can use what we have learned to help YOUR business grow.

We have worked with clients who have hundreds of dollars of business a month. We have worked with clients who have thousands of dollars of business a day. We have clients that fall somewhere between the two extremes. Our experience can help your company see its products or services just as we have helped other companies. We at New Media pride ourselves in our Denver Internet Marketing work, and treat all our clients as though they were our most important client, and, indeed, they are!

At New Media, we understand that your time is money. We work with you to produce a product that satisfies you and we do it within the time available for you. We have a 98% satisfaction rating over our ten years of business. Our clients are surprised and happy that we can produce the quality they need within their timelines. Very few of our clients leave. Many of our new customers come to us because their old company seemed to loose interest in them, once they were paid. We have learned that most companies need some assistance after the initial marketing plan is developed. We believe our customers need our attention and our customers stay with us because we provide that attention.

If you want a company that will work with you to provide you the most knowledgeable, current, helpful information on Internet marketing, come visit our web site and see what we have to offer. Check us out. Tell us what you need and want. See what New Media can do for you. We hope that you will find, like so many other companies have discovered, that we can help you with your Internet marketing plans. We can help you improve your business. You started your business because you had a passion for it. Internet business is our passion. If you arent as passionate about the details of internet marketing as we are, let New Medias Denver Internet Marketing help you grow your business.

This article was written by Sytsma Morris-Reeves. Mr. Morris-Reeves runs NewMediaDenver,an Internet technology company located in downtown Denver, Colorado ( Mr.Morris-Reeves is a highly respected Denver SEO Expert since 10 years, and he constantly develops and stays current with all the latest SEO and Link Building Techniques.Farand Blog82475
Essy Blog32697

Holiday Marketing Magic for New Year Success

Can you believe its November already? The holidays are here and then the start of a new year will be upon us. Now is a perfect time to reflect on your business and see if it is all that it can be. Is it running at full speed and do you have all the clients that you need?

If not, its time to get those engines moving and start into action before the New Year begins. I know, its the holidays and theres a lots going on. But also its the perfect opportunity to connect with your clients and get a head start on potential work for next year. You will find that communication is so much easier when you can utilize holiday greetings, holiday goodies, and holiday presents. Holiday gifts and candy will ease the way to a Hi, how have you been? Send me more business! Or for those new potential clients, Hi, how are youYou need ME.

First, reconnect with ALL your clients and let them know how you appreciate them and perhaps how you can help them with other needs they may not even know you offer. Send a personalized holiday card or greeting. For local clients stop by their office and drop off presents, popcorn tins for the staff and/or their favorite coffee for their afternoon pick-me-up. For potential new clients, drop off a Holiday cup full of wrapped candy with your business card or perhaps get your business name printed on the candy bar. Also, consider sending a specialty cake, such as a coffee lovers cake from Make a Diaper Cake Biz, You can make your own or have Barb Ireland create one for you.

For all you Virtual Assistants or word processors out there, dont forget to stop by any small post offices or UPS shops and offer to put your business cards there. Many of these places will add your business card holders directly to the counter. Think how much traffic is going through these places shipping out those presents and what great exposure that can be. And the best news is that they usually do allow business cards with a business card holder. Just think about it, people waiting impatiently in line, pick up your card and BINGONew Client.

Other tips include:

 Read and research new things. So many great promotions are going on now with the holidays and New Year coming. Look to them and see whats out there and how you can apply it to your business. Take advantage of the teleclasses and seminars that are offered by the pros. Yes, they are going to try and sell you something, but by golly the information you receive will be worth it and you dont have to buy.

 Join Associations: Join the association that youve heard about by so many but havent made the commitment yet. Start the New Year with a firm commitment to attend at least one engagement a month or more. See what a difference it can make in your business by talking with pros in your industry or networking with businesses, who might utilize your services or products.

 Get moving online. Go to the message boards and chats and network. Meet people and introduce you and your business. Offer tips and suggestions and actively be a part of the forum. Ive been in business since 1985 so this year I will be celebrating 21 years in business. I owe a lot of my success to being active on the boards and letting people get to know me and trust me. My message board is up and running and eager for more virtual assistants to stop by and learn how to become a virtual assistant. Its at

 Your Website. Now it can all go to waste if they these potential clients get to your website and see a unprofessional, poorly built, error-ridden, mess of a site. Take a look at your website and see if it is the best that it can be. I constantly update mine at to try and provide tips and suggestions for those starting a virtual assisting and also tips on publishing and, of course, our new books in our online bookstore. I know the importance of changing it frequently, so people will come back to see whats new.

Look to the overall appearance, the professionalism of your wording, the explanations explaining the benefits you provide, etc. In fact, everything in your site needs to convince a client to work with you. Now ask yourself, does it do that? Is this something I can be proud of? Too often we throw together a website, just to have it done. Remember this can often be a clients first impression of you. Is it selling you well?

So this year as others are shopping and preparing for the holidays, you can instead be preparing your business for the New Year. What a gift that would be for YOUto start your business off with a bang and lots of new clients you secured in your holiday marketing efforts.

November is a great time to reflect back on the year and plan for the next. Why not plan to make next year, your best one ever! Good Luck and Happy Marketing.

Diana Ennen, Author of numerous books including Virtual Assistant - The Series: Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA and New Accompanying Workbook; WordPerfect OfficeReady Virtual Assistant Solution Pack, ( and Words From Home: Start, Run and Profit from a Home-Based Word Processing Business. Visit Diana at Free booklet available on starting a virtual assisting business.Fayina Blog95738
Verine Blog21409

Management Qualifications - An Overview

Management Qualifications - An Overview

The article is about management courses, in a specific way that explains the different levels of such courses, what each type of course contains, how each different type and level of course should help you, how it should change you, and also this is about how each type of course is regarded in the world of business and management.

This article is designed to set the scene, by outlining the range of courses that are available to managers at the different stages of their development.

Lets start with the foundation, introductory, courses, suitable for those who are taking a first step into the world of management, whether it is as an employee in an organisation, or as a budding entrepreneur.

In this band there is a large number of options, ranging from individual short courses, focusing on skills needed in areas such as teamwork, basic budgeting, decision making, quality, etc

Many organisations run in-house courses in these areas, but it there are also many providers who offer them full qualifications that are stand-alone but also the first step on the management ladder, include the Higher National Certificate and then the Diploma, the HNC and HND, highly regarded national and internationally recognised qualifications, usually taking 2 academic years if studied at college, or 18 months if by distance learning.

These (relative to management) include the HNC / HND in Business & Management / Finance / Marketing / Law and others.

Alongside these are:

Professional Development Certificates in Management, part of the national framework of qualifications, offered again in colleges and by distance learning providers, with content that introduces the learner to areas such as teamwork, supervisory activity, finance, decision making.

NVQs ~ national vocational qualifications ~ in Management (and many related subjects) at introductory level:

Level 3 ~ introductory / newcomer to management.

As the manager, or specialist, gains more experienced managers, the range widens and rises, and the qualification taken will depend on the individuals experience and position the main options are:

Level 4 ~ suitable for reasonably experienced junior to middle managers

Level 5 ~ aimed at experienced, knowledgeable managers at middle to senior level

Level 7 ~ aimed at strategic managers

Level 6 ? dont ask ! its a mystery even for those of us in the business !

NVQs are competence based which means, in essence, that the student must show evidence, must prove that she/he is competent (in management) at the level, and to the criteria, described in that particular NVQ.

NVQs are popular with large, bureucratic organisations, that need to be certain that their managers at all levels are, provably, competent.

Another group is the professional development awards including:

Professional Development Certificate in Management ~ and ~ Professional Development Diploma in Management ~ and Advanced Professional Development Diploma in Management.

These are also banded at Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, and Level 7 in similar fashion to the NVQs, because these qualifications are accepted as being in the national qualifications framework or NQF (!!)
some providers offer variations of these, with the CMS Certificate in Management Studies and the DMS Diploma in Management Studies being the most popular.

Indeed, the DMS is the UKs most widely recognised management qualification ~ the managers management qualification ~ and is the qualification that most organisations expect their middle to senior managers, and professional specialists, to hold.

In case youre thinking what about the MBA? for every MBA holder in the UK there is 100 with a DMS and 99% of those will not go on to, will not need to go on to, an MBA

Masters ~ MA, Msc, MBA ~ these are the next band, and are the highest management qualifications, not only in the UK but also in most countries around the world but, there are thousands of variations in content available, and considerable variation in quality and relevance, so choosing a suitable, appropriate quality, one of these is fraught with difficulty
* we will come back to these later

If you are thinking what about PhDs ~ doctorates ? ~ yes, they are higher level, but they dont in my view, truly fit into management courses because they are, and meant to be, academic in nature and not designed to improve the individuals management skills

CJ Williams is a tutor and management consultant currently working with Brighton School of Business and Management in the UK. Specialising in Business and Management courses taught via distance learning. Viole Blog33462
Virgina Blog46807

Promote Your Local Business Online And Offline

Nowadays, many people search online for services instead of reaching for the phone book. To increase your online exposure your pages should include your street address, zip code, phone number, and five-digit zip code. Include place names in the title tag such as the name of your city and your service. When you seek links to your site contact local businesses. A noncompeting local business should be interested in exchanging links with you. Make sure that the anchor text includes the name of your city. List your business within local business directories. If you are a member of you local chamber of commerce, ask for a link from their website.

Submit To Directories

Links from directories are some of the most valuable links you can get. Note: Directories are not the same as search engines. A link from a directory will help your search engine ranking. There are thousands of online directories, but some are more significant than others. In addition to directories such as the Open Directory Project, some of the most important search engines such as Yahoo and Google have directories of their own.

Some of the greatest advantages of submitting your site to directories are you get:

* One-way links. Remember, one-way links are more valuable than reciprocal links;
* Potentially qualified clients repeatedly see your listing.

Obtaining links from directories drive an increasing amount of traffic to your site. In addition, you are improving your ranking within search engines such as Google and Yahoo. Once you submit your site information to a directory, it may take weeks or even months to get listed.

While many directories are free, dont be surprised when you are asked to pay for submission. Certain directories promise to expedite the submission process for paying customers. Directories provide you with a constant stream of visitors and highly valuable one-way links, be sure they are part of your marketing strategy.

Submit Your Site to Industry Sites and Specialized Directories

Because a link from a relevant site is more important than one from an irrelevant site, links from industry sites and specialized directories are highly valuable. If your business is a member of professional associations, ask for a link to your site. The more links you obtain from related websites, the more likely your site will be considered an authority site.

Searching online you will find directories focused on your particular industry such as business coaching, accounting, retail, and such. You almost certainly belong to various trade associations that list member sites. Contact the Webmaster and ask for a link. You may get a link for free or you may be required to pay a fee, either way, it is worth it.

George Meszaros with Webene http://www.webene.comVerine Blog92717
Vikky Blog51675

Business Marketing: Four Essential Keys To Know When Writing Your Business Letter

Writing a professional business letter can be a challenge. It is difficult to find the right words and phrases that will generate enough interest to produce a positive response. Business letter writing, is comparable to creating an ad or flyer. Some of the same concepts apply in each scenario. All types of advertising need to capture the attention of your target market quickly. You generally have only 3-4 seconds.

Listed below are some key steps in forming your business letter:

1. Initiating the letter. The header should be your company. This is preferably your company logo. It brands your company from the first impression. If they receive future literature or advertisements from you, they will recognize your company immediately. Next, you should begin with an opening paragraph that grabs their attention. Keep all following paragraphs straight forward and to the point. A one page business letter will initiate the most productive results. We live in essentially, a non-read society.

2. Ask key questions that will promote the reader thinking about why they need your service or product. Bullet point the questions and indent them. They should stand out from the rest of the letter. This draws their eye to the questions and will give variety. The questions should be one liners. If readers see that the letter will be quick and easy to read they will be more likely to glance over your letter and pick out the most pertinent information. Questions are also good because it will start them thinking of the answers, which leads to a need for your service or product.

3. Establishing credibility. Show how your company can benefit their business. Help them understand why they need your services over someone else. Explain to them what your company offers and any endorsements or years of experience your company has. Also, by relating to them personally, you will alleviate most hesitation. When writing your letter use the word "you" instead of"I". They want to know what you can do for them. Another important aspect of establishing credibility is showing "value". This especially applies when your product or service is priced higher.

4. Call to action phrases that offer an incentive to respond promptly. These should be phrases that promote a discount, time frame, free service or product, introductory offer, etc. It is also best to highlight, change or enlarge font to set the call to action phrase apart from the rest of the letter. This may be the first thing that conquers their attention. You can read my free article on,

Marketing And Advertising: Power Point Phrases That Will Create Income. It is listed on this web site along with my other free articles. I have listed specific phrases that may be helpful when writing your business letter.

Your business letter should look and sound professional. Nice quality paper exhibits a more professional business letter. Soft blue parchment with black lettering is an excellent choice. It stands out and has a clean look. Because the expense is more for parchment paper, you can use it for clients that yield a higher residual. For mass mailing, white with black lettering is good.

Make sure to always have your letterhead at the top showing professionalism.

You do not have to be a great writer to compose a beneficial business letter. If your letter is well thought out and direct, it will be effective in achieving the goals you desire. Having someone critique your business letter will also be advantageous. No matter how many times you check for errors, it is easy to miss something. An outsider can also give input on content. They can give an objective view of what you have communicated.

For a sample business letter that demonstrates the various criteria visit:

La Donna Jensen is an expert in marketing and sales for over 15 years. Marketing consultant for a radio show and magazine. Successful owner of own business and Internet entrepreneur. For more articles on marketing and advertising visit: Blog23784
Fey Blog29325

Massive Sales through an Affiliate Program

Having hundreds of commission only salesmen can
boost your sales immensely. An affiliate program
is a fantastic solution for all businesses with a
web site.

If you haven't got your own affiliate program set
up already this is going to blow your mind. And
if you have an affiliate program I can guarantee
that this will be a real eye opener. The majority
of affiliate program owners have it set up in a
way that is completely wrong.

Encourage People To Sign Up

Here's where most people go wrong. They set up an
affiliate program and have a links that says "
click here to sign up" and then that's it. You
need to sell your affiliate program. Have a mini
sales letter that explains the benefit of people
signing up. Tell them their commissions and how
they can earn a living without ever having to
create a product or have a web site just by
promoting your products.

Provide Affiliates With Marketing Materials
Here's another big one. Site owners get people to
sign up their affiliate program and then just
leave them to it. It's like they're saying "
thanks for signing up, now go and make me some
cash". That's ridiculous. You need to do all the
hard work for your affiliates if you want to
start earning the big bucks.

Here's the thing. You could write an article and
submit it to article directories all over the
Internet and do very well for yourself. However
if you just had one hundred affiliates blasting
that article all over the net you've just
multiplied your marketing power by one hundred.
This is the key to making massive mounts online.

If you can't write articles etc yourself hire
someone to do so from but do
provide your affiliates with marketing materials
or your just setting yourself up for having a
very mediocre Internet business

Another great method you can use with this is
have a weekly competition. Each week your
affiliate who earns the most gets an extra one
hundred dollars or whatever you can afford.
Mention the winner in a weekly newsletter and say
things like "who thinks they can overtake Joe
Bloggs as being my top affiliate? Come on guys I
know I've got some great marketers signed up as
my affiliates prove it and I'll mention you in
next weeks newsletter".

This is great. Psychologically you are motivating
your affiliates to promote your products like
crazy to get recognition as being your "top gun".
Often ego trips are just as motivating as money.

Motivate Your Affiliates And Explode Your Profits
I've been taking about what you need to do in
order to earn a serious living online through
having your own affiliate program. Done properly
this could earn you more money than you could
ever have dreamed of. The methods in this article
outline what you need to do to in order to
overcome the three barriers of starting an
affiliate program.

You need to:

Persuade people to sign up

Make it easy for them to market

Motivate them to market fast and market hard.

Do this and you'll be able to create a hugely
successful affiliate program and you'll sell a
truckload of your products without any real hard
work or any costs.

John Harriyott produces a blog, free weekly newsletter, free new monthly video, all with real world tactics you can use to earn a huge amount of money from home.Essa Blog62814
Farrah Blog3774

How To Capitalize From Search Engine Marketing Services

There is a new age in Internet marketing upon us and it lies in the search engines. Search engine marketing services are quickly becoming the most popular and effective way to market your business online and to secure valuable contacts with clients from all over the world. However, since this is becoming such a large industry, there are many providers of search engine marketing services and some are better and more trustworthy than others. Therefore, it is important to conduct a proper investigation of the company that you decide to use for your online marketing campaign.

The first thing that you should consider when choosing a company for your search engine marketing needs is their track record. Be weary of a company that has just recently started because they might not have the experience to give you the service that you are looking for. Although they might promise that they can give you the same service that a more established company could, they may in fact just be trying to secure your business. Since this is a fairly new enterprise, there are a lot of fraudulent companies that are just looking to capitalize on this industry. Also, there are some companies that aren't fraudulent but just aren't able to provide the service that they say they can. Although the basic premise of search engine marketing services is quite simple in nature, experience is the key in order to get the best possible results for your business.

Just as in any other industry, word of mouth is always the best way to discover which companies can be trusted and which cannot. So if you know someone who has used one of these services in the past, then it is advisable to ask them about their experiences with a specific company and see if that company would be able to fulfill your needs as well. Another way of finding the perfect company for your needs is to conduct proper research. A big mistake that many business owners make, is taking everyone at their word. Any company that has a good track record should not have any problem with putting you in touch with one of their past contracts so that you can find out about their experiences with the company.

It is also a good idea to never take testimonials at face value. Often, testimonials on the website are simply concocted by the owner of the company and do not accurately reflect the opinions of the actual customers. However, testimonials can also be true, so it is important to research effectively. Upon conducting all of the necessary research and you decide that the company is trustworthy, it is still not a great idea to shell out a whole lot of money up front. There is no way to be sure that they will come through on their word and actually increase your search engine potential. Perhaps hiring them for a smaller project at first may be a better idea. That way, you get to experience their customer service first hand and also be able to see the results. If you are pleased with the results and the level of professionalism and service that you received, then you can have the piece of mind to hire them for a larger contract.

Search engine marketing services can be incredibly beneficial to almost any business and can vastly increase your online availability which in turn will increase your customer base. And with a larger customer base, comes larger profits. Just remember to do your homework, so you are certain to get the best value for your money.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Vertical Measures. Vertical Measures is an Internet Marketing Company that offers quality Search Engine Marketing Services. For more information, please visit Blog35535
Valerye Blog40105

House Parties, Working Your Online Business Offline

Here are some off-line tips and secrets that you can adapt to suit your business, MLM or product-based business you may choose to do in the future. Whether the business is an online business or not.

A house party is basically a presentation of products or an opportunity. Some people I know do five a day. Consider starting with just one a week.

1. It's best conducted at someone's home, not yours because it's more difficult to ask guests to leave from your own home.

2. House parties are a great place to get new customers and new prospects. Your time is valuable so look for four things from each guest:

Retail sales/new members.

Referrals from each person.

Booking of other parties with them.

Furthering your business opportunity prospects' list.

3. Time:

Plan a party to be no longer than 30 minutes to one hour. If you aim for 30 minutes you'll probably finish within 45 minutes. If you talk too long you'll talk your guests out of buying or joining you. The 45 minutes should be enough for everything including handing out the products and receiving the money.

4. What do you need?

A) Products to demonstrate and to sell.
B) Order forms for those who do not have money on hand.
C) Written material to hand out after the meeting. You don't want them reading it while you are making your pitch.

5. How to invite:

Simply go to someone and say "Can you help me? I just learned about these products/business and I want to do a demonstration. Invite a few friends. We'll have a great time!!" Then make a date and time.

6. Tips for the host:

Have the hosts only invite people they think would be interested in what you are offering. If you are selling diet related products, thin people may not be your target. This eliminates negative guests. You don't want quantity, you want quality of people.

7. Offer a gift to the host as an incentive:

It's better to offer the gift if the host achieves a certain goal at the party, e.g., number of attendees, sales goal or new member goal. The gift is given in front of the guests so everyone knows that they have an opportunity to host a house party and receive that same great gift.

8. Arrive 15 minutes early and set up:

This gives you time to feel comfortable and find out a bit about the guests. You may like to give early guests something to read.

9. Start:

Introduce yourself and your products or services. Answer any possible objections before they are asked, e.g. price, animal testing, etc. This prevents guests from cutting you off with questions.

10. Ask your host to serve the coffee. This is the time to ask for referrals and book more parties.

11. Follow up with the people who were at the meeting and start getting the dates for your next house parties and orders. Teach your new people how to do parties.

12. Make an appointment to talk with the host of the last house party. Tell the host that because of his or her help you now have three more house parties and ask if he or she would like to join you and do one or part of one of the house parties.

Although most of you are probably involved in or looking at a few online opportunities, I think it's important to get things happening off-line too. House parties are a lot of fun and things can move a lot quicker. My business is online, I simply open my laptop at the party and let them watch the fully automated animated presentation.

House parties are great. They're your opportunity to do heavy recruiting and break sales records.

Read More Of Michael Brymer's Heavy Hitter Secrets at Vanda Blog79822
Vera Blog27062

Valentine Day Gift Baskets for Your Sweetheart

Valentine Day Gift Baskets for Your Sweetheart

A hundred hearts would be too few
To carry all my love for you.
~Author Unknown

Love is a special emotion and so it must be expressed in an extraordinary way. The special way you choose to express love to your partner will become a long-cherished memory for your lover. So make sure you say it in style. Valentines Day is a perfect day to say how much you love your sweetheart. Valentines Day gifts are an important part of expressing your heartfelt feelings and to make your day memorable.

A perfect Valentine day gift for him/her should be something that should make your partner feels special. Selecting a Valentine s Day gift is not easy. It is better to start thinking about what to gift much before the day. Your gift must depend on the level of commitment. Think of what are his or her interests or any occasion when your partner had expressed a liking for something. Surprising your loved one with a gift of their choice is a perfect way to show how much you care.

Valentines Day Gift Basket are a great way to express your love to him or her.

 Valentines Day Gift Basket for a Woman Romantic gift baskets are a great way to express your love. If you are creating a valentines day gift basket on your own, you can include chocolates, yummy gourmet, candles, perfume, a nice romantic book or music CD depending on your interests. Personalizing the gift will make your sweetheart feel special. Write some love notes and put them inside the basket. Visit to buy Valentines Day Gift Basket for a Woman.

You can also make a gift basket containing Spa, Bath and other beauty products. You can include bubble bath, body scrubs, heart-shaped soaps, facial massage creams, manicure pedicure items and more. This will allow her to indulge herself. You can also get readymade valentine day chocoholics gifts baskets. They are also very nice gift option.

 Valentines Day Gift Basket for a Man A perfect valentine day liquor filled gift basket for your man must include his favorite wine or beer. You can add a cigar pack and a stylish lighter too if he smokes. If he does not drink think of some nice non-alcoholic drink which he likes. Think of more items according to his likes. You can add a perfume or cologne, his favorite music CD, bracelet, or a watch, etc. Make his day with a romantic love note inside. Visit to buy Valentines Day Gift Basket for a Man.

More Valentines Day Gift Ideas

 Valentine day chocoholics gifts: If she is too fond of chocolates, you must not think twice before buying her a Valentine day chocoholics gift. Think of an additional gift along with chocolates. You can go for a picture frame, perfume, candles, a heart shaped gift, or any other.

 Valentines Day dinner: Invite your girlfriend to your place and cook a special dinner for her. This will be a great valentine day gifts for her that she would remember for life. To set the mood, decorate your room with candles, flowers, dim light and romantic music. If you think this idea wont work with her take her out. You can give her a nice sexy dress and ask her to wear that for dinner. Make sure its the right size.

 Romantic Getaways: You can also plan a romantic holiday with your loved one. Dont forget to shower her with gifts. Be creative and think of nice romantic activities that will make your valentine holiday memorable for life.

Have a great Valentine's Day!

Marguerite Hamilton is a professional writer, who writes articles on various topics. This article has been written for Got to have it romantic gift creations is an upscale and unique gift creation which sells classy, sexy, fun and unforgettable romantic gift baskets. You can also order for occasional gift baskets at Blog10451
Essy Blog95876

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Three Dallas Schools Make Newsweeks Best 100 High Schools List Tag High School Is #1!

In their May 8, 2006, issue, Newsweek listed their Best 100 Public Schools across the nation. They ranked the schools using a ratio of the number of Advanced Placement (AP) and/or International Baccalaureate tests taken by all students within a school, divided by the number of graduating seniors. The 2006 list was based on the 2004-2005 school year. Their aim is to acknowledge those schools that do the best job of preparing average students for college, regardless of their economic background.

Three Dallas schools made the list with one taking top honors. Dallas schools Highland Park High School weighed in at number 18 with a ratio of 4.735. Dallas schools Science and Engineering Magnet took honors at number eight with a ratio of 6.275. Dallas schools Talented and Gifted (TAG) High School had a 14.128 ratio and ranked number ONE! What an achievement for the Dallas schools.

Located near downtown Dallas in an impoverished neighborhood, TAG exemplifies how a school can meet the Dallas schools goals of providing an excellent education for each and every child. The racially mixed student body receives a high-level of learning that challenges each child to achieve. TAG focuses on getting students into college through AP courses, providing the same opportunities to its students as the wealthy private schools.

Some educators refer to schools like Dallas schools TAG as a boutique school, catering to special interest while ignoring course variety. Educators, including those in the Dallas schools, have been demanding reform for over 10 years; yet, they cannot agree on what works. In the 80s, the thought was to make all students college ready through a rigorous core curriculum. In the 90s, school choice and testing became the norm. Now, some are calling for dumping the entire public school system; while others see smaller schools, class size, and a boutique focus as optimum.

Even when a plan is working as it is in Dallas schools TAG High School, opposition still rears its ugly head. Some believe that the smaller school loses the social acclimation that the larger high schools provide. They say that maintaining quality is difficult and the coursework lacks substance. Proponents of Dallas schools TAG say that these Dallas Schools students get more teacher and counselor attention and the children are less likely to get lost in the crowd, which gives the students an edge.

TAG is one of the Dallas schools that is committed to helping students achieve their best, encouraging each and every student to aim high. They stress the importance of attending college and try to make the AP as much a part of students lives as music or hanging out with their friends. While only 30 percent of high school students across the nation take any AP courses at all, each TAG student is required to take at least one, with most students taking more.

Dallas schools TAG and other boutique schools like it have increased the number of minorities taking AP courses, increasing their chances to attend college. According to the College Board, which administers the AP, four times as many Hispanics and three times as many Blacks took AP courses in 2005, as compared to 10 years ago.

Newsweek cited Dallas schools TAG student Fanny Frausto, age 18, who has taken 16 AP courses and scored high on many of them. She scored a five on her final three-hour exam. Her transcript is definitely atypical for a public high school student, showing a seemingly impossible schedule of classes. She attends MIT on scholarship in the fall of 2006.

Dallas schools teachers at TAG go the extra mile for their students. They assist the youth in learning to meet deadlines, constructing essays and organizing their time, managing workloads, and dealing with the tension and nervousness students may feel during testing.

Schools that consistently have high achieving students and programs were not included in Newsweeks list. Their ratio formula only measures test participation, rather than testing success. Also, due to inconsistencies, the formula does not include drop out rates or state testing scores.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on Dallas schools visit Blog21624
Evangelina Blog76895

Collaborating For Leveraged Income

Who doesnt love a sale? Grand Opening sales, Clearance sales, and others that Ive never taken advantage of -- Midnight sales! We all love to get quality for a lesser price. Bargains have become part of the American lifestyle and with it the added bonus of bragging rights I bought the exact same car but I paid less than you did.

Sales are good for the business owner too. It brings in needed cash flow while clearing the shelves for new merchandise, but what about the Going-Out-Of-Business sale? You will find bargains hard to pass up because these sales mean the business has dried up and the owner can no longer keep his door open. Sadly, this owner will not be generating any more revenue: his cash flow will stop!

Realizing that the rich get richer by setting up leveraged income, lets look at this for the moment: in the workforce we consider being promoted as earning more and working less. With this mindset today, if you want to earn more and work less youre going to have to start creating income that does not require your direct involvement -- leveraged or residual income!

Leveraged income differs from linear income (the money you make by working 40 hours in exchange for a paycheck). Doctors and lawyers earn a higher linear income than say, a salesman or pizza chef. But in fact we all have a maximum of 24 hours a day which limits the amount of money even professionals can personally generate. They can up their hourly fee but if suddenly they are unable to work their cash flow stops too.

Linear income is trading your time for money. Leveraged income is your money working for you. With the right business you set in motion a chain of events that duplicates your income over and over again. In the perfect scenario this continues without end.

Think of the author of a best-seller his residual income is generated by the sale of his popular book over and over again often going into reprint status, or the composer of a song that wont leave your head. Every singer wants to record that song and you as the composer will earn mega bucks just for that one creation!

So how do we apply this to the Internet? You can find many programs online that generate leveraged income. Not all of them have or will endure the test of time. Surely youve seen the ones with poor products or unethical practices that disappear into cyberspace; often with your money.

Select a program that uses collaboration and you will have the perfect win-win situation. With so much conflicting information on the Internet, people are getting more confused than educated. A program where your sponsor guides you through the initial sales will gain leveraged income for him while earning you the privilege to turn around and do the same.

Lets examine the 2up system: you are rewarded for selling a valuable product to your new associate and you have earned a sales commission. In return for this commission you agree to train him/her to do the same, teaching them how to advertise and sell more of your companys valued product.

In a collaborative effort, they agree to forfeit their first two sales to you, their trainer. Once they complete these two training sales, they are independent and begin their own team of associates. Your leveraged income results from the two training sales your associate has given you, and you begin guiding these two new associates, each of which will in turn bring you two new sales commissions.

Do the math: your associate brought you a sales commission. He in turn gives you two new associates with two new commissions. And they in turn each bring you two more associates to train. Thats seven commission checks, and it doesnt stop there.

With this system, no one suffers the loss of an affiliate to jumps to greener pastures. Once they have made their first two sales in return for their training, you have no further use for them; they become independent and earning their own leveraged incomes.

There are also personal rewards for those who guide others to realize their dreams. As a mentor you are a productive citizen, a valued friend who has helped many become financially independent, and as each new associate fills his dreams, they in turn are fulfilling yours.

Collaborating with others for overall growth is the real beauty of leveraged earning.

2006 Esther Smith

Esther Smith publishes a weekly syndicated Newsletter and three Websites. You can join her team of Entrepreneurs and begin your own Leveraged Income for life here: Start young, retire early! Filide Blog45093
Vilhelmina Blog14591

Act Information And Its Customer Relationship Management Systems

Youve heard other companies talk about their ACT CRMor customer relationship managementsystems and how their companies have been streamlined by the efficiency and easy-to-use features offered by ACT software. Where do you turn to find more ACT information? The most ACT information is available on This is the main page run by the company that makes ACT, Sage, and is therefore the most likely to provide you with plenty of ACT information.

Sages ACT information includes detailed descriptions about the different kinds of ACT products and solutions to common customer relationship management problems. Did you know that you can install ACT software into one self-employed persons home office computer to make an ACT information database or that you can install it into hundreds of computers in one corporation network, even access the ACT information database from Palm handhelds and other PDAs, making a virtually endless ACT information database network?

Look at Sages Web site for more ACT information. What exactly can an ACT information database do for you? It can not only organizes the names, e-mail addresses, mailing addresses, and phone numbers of all of your clients and business partners, but it also allows you to keep a record of conversations with, observations of, and meetings with your contacts for a complete ACT information database. Organize your ACT information database with keywords, categories, and subcategories to make searching for clientele who match certain goals of a marketing campaign a matter of a few seconds worth of work.

Run entire marketing campaigns through your ACT information database in mere minutes. Use your ACT information databases features to print out mailing labels and a list of fax machine numbers of your clientele who might be interested in your new serviceclientele you were able to find in seconds thanks to your ACT information database. Automatically send e-mails to those clients and even use your ACT information databases marketing templates, graphics, and plans to create dynamic material to sell your goods.

Sages ACT information Web site also claims that their software helps you and your employees keep track of project deadlines, meetings, and other scheduling events with the ACT information databases calendar feature. See your daily, weekly, and monthly project goals and client follows-ups as well as your work week schedule with your ACT information databaseeven send automatic e-mails to customers who need responses by a certain date.

Sage says you can use your ACT information database to forecast sales trends at the click of a button. Using all of your ACT information to put together sales reports will save you time and money otherwise spent to mine that information through manual means. Your ACT information database can be compatible with programs such as Microsoft Word, Outlook, Outlook Express, MapPoint, and Excel; Win Fax; Adobe Acrobat Reader; Eudora; and Lotus Notes. Need any further ACT information? Speak with Sage directly or ask an IT service company in your area.

Frank J Vanderlugt owns and operates Act SoftwareFleur Blog77978
Evanne Blog55450

An Introduction to Alternative Lifestyle Business Opportunities

Everyone is familiar with the traditional models for making money. There are a few options available: Either you work for somebody as an employee, or you work as a self-employer, or you run some sort of business. Each of these has their own sets of advantages and disadvantages to weigh up. But they all generally imply that you will be actively working for a number of specified hours every week, and that you get paid accordingly. You are normally confined to working from a specific location, and more often than not this is not from your home which leads to one of the headaches of modern day living: commuting.

Recent polls have shown that the trend has been shifting gradually towards a better balance between work and lifestyle over the last few decades. People dont want to spend their precious free time commuting to and from work. And then once at work they dont want to work for a boss that tells them what they have to do, and how they should dress to get it done. People want to be able to work based from home and be in charge of their own time management. They want to spend more time with their families. More and more mothers want to be able to create some sort of income by working from home whilst looking after children.

And so was born the alternative lifestyle business opportunities.

There are numerous ads out for opportunities working from home. And now that just about every household has a PC and is connected to the internet, there is absolutely no reason why people should not be able to work from home on-line. And that means choosing the hours that you want to work, which frees up time that can be spent on improving your lifestyle.

Unfortunately with all of the advertised alternative lifestyle business opportunities also came a lot of scams and opportunities that will lose you money. There are the MLM (multilevel marketing) opportunities that, even though not all pyramid schemes, are still dependent on you finding more people to join the network in order for it to become profitable. You dont promote a product as such. You promote a system that benefits from you doing the head-hunting for it. And even though these MLM opportunities do reward you for your efforts, the reward is seldom proportional to the effort. But they sell the opportunity as work based from home and thereby generate the interest.

Then there are all the other advertisements that are trying to sell you opportunities that, once bought, are simply not as lucrative as they are made out to be. They promise you untold wealth for completing online surveys or doing data entry work, and they all sell themselves to you on your desire to work from home on-line to improve your lifestyle. But almost without fail you will have to pay a fee to join their scheme. Some of them even have the nerve to say that they charge a fee to separate those that are serious about the opportunities from those that are not! But once joined you will seldom find that the opportunity is as lucrative as it was made to sound originally.

The good news, however, is that there are opportunities available out there that are honest and do work. As with all other business models, they require hard work to set up but they also do provide returns. And above all, these returns are proportional to your effort. But the thing to understand is that there is no one opportunity that, once youve joined, will make you earn a reasonable living from home.

So how do you know the difference between good opportunities and money wasters?

The answer is simple. In the same way that you know whether a traditional business opportunity is a good or a bad one: you have to do proper research. You have to understand that there is no such thing as a get-rich-quick-by-working-a-few-hours-a-week-from-home scheme using the internet. You have to educate yourself in how online business models work as apposed to traditional business models. Understanding the internet as medium for business opportunities is the only way for you to be able to identify true alternative lifestyle business opportunities as they present themselves.

There is plenty of material available on the subject on the internet. And more often than not there is a price attached to these (lets be honest, you have to spend some money to make some money). But the difference here is that investing in this research offers you something in return for your money that you can utilize to start your business.

And how do you know which research material to invest in?

Again you do this by doing proper research on the material itself. Before you buy a book on home decoration, for example, you do some research on that book, dont you? You read reviews about it and follow recommendations from trusted sources. Well the same is true for reference material regarding business opportunities on the internet.

And once youre properly equipped with the knowledge, well the rest is, as they say, history.

Pete Coetzee is the webmaster for, a site of articles, reviews and resources for online entrepreneurs and internet business resources.Violante Blog57845
Filia Blog52926

Rollback Rx A Great Pc Maintenance Solution

Maintaining a PC or a network of PCs has become very easy with RollBack Rx system restore software, which lets you do a complete pc restore, at the same time retaining all the data even if it has been created after the system restore point. As an advanced PC maintenance solution, Rollback Rx is great as a data recovery solution. Compared to other PC maintenance applications in the market, Rollback Rx is way ahead in its category. It takes system snapshots and choosing a snapshot does the pc restore.

Rollback Rx Snapshots

A snapshot in Rollback Rx is a checkpoint for system configuration, indicating a specific point in time. Unlimited snapshots are possible with Rollback Rx Pro. So this means unlimited number of system configurations. Each of these is stored as a snapshot, and you can choose among them to do a PC restore when you have to fix computer problems. In other words, you can roll back or roll ahead to choose the system state you want. These snapshots, which are literally maps of the sectors on the hard drive where data is stored, are stored on the hard drive itself within the Rollback Rxs system data structure. No files or folders are used as backup the snapshots are parts of the hard drive sector. One question that keeps coming up is what happens if you change the Rollback Rx password and do a system restore to a point before when you changed it. The new password will still hold good.

Easing Critical Updates

If you are a system administrator you will be happy to hear that RollBack Rx makes it very easy to accommodate for Windows Critical Updates. You need not have batch files or complicated scripting. More than anything else, you need not leave your systems on through the night, risking all sorts of additional computer problems. What RollBack Rx does is to free up your time by keeping your network of computers automatically updated with the most recent security patches, so that you can peacefully attend to other priorities.

As far as compatibility with antivirus or antispyware application goes, Rollback Rx system restore software works with them seamlessly. Rollback Rx can protect from day zero attacks without any data loss too. But every system user wants their antivirus and antispyware application to provide real time protection in the prevention of virus and spyware attacks. Rollback Rx enables antivirus signature updates to happen automatically. There is no folder redirection or downtime scheduling involved, avoiding a host of additional problems. Just schedule to take a system snapshot before or after any updates with Rollback Rx system restore software.

Jacob Henderson is the technical head of Horizon Data Systems and leading software development firm in the business of Desktop Security and PC performance enhancement software. During his more than 10 years of software development experience in various positions, Jacob Henderson has developed a large number of state of the art software and written numerous articles and reports. Jacob Henderson was one of the core team leaders, that is responsible for the development of user integration features of the flagship product of the Company-Rollback Rx Software.Verine Blog21409
Fannie Blog12562

Starting a New Business? Get Easy Loan, Forget Financial Worry

The root is the most important factor for any business to flourish. If you are planning to start a business of your own, first make the root stronger by having a strong financial ground. New business loans will help your business attain heights. When you are starting a new business, this loan will help you solve most of the financial problems that arise while setting up an enterprise.

New business loans can be used for various business related purposes like buying machines and equipments, vehicles, and other resources that are essential to startup a new business.

Before taking any step forward you should first of all prepare a business proposal in order to apply for a business loan. This requires a lot of research and estimations. It should bring out a clear idea about how much money you will need, how much money you hope to make, what competition you will face. It should also give details about what equipments and training you will need and other information depending on the requirements. With these details, lenders will get to know the feasibility of your business and whether it is sustainable or not. You should always keep in mind that a well prepared business proposal increases the chances of getting a business loan.

Finding a new business loan is not a tough task. With coming up of more and more online lenders, internet provides you with the fastest and the simplest procedure to avail new business loans. All you need is to just click on the mouse button and you can access various websites offering new business loans. At the time of filling the application form, lenders will ask you for certain information about your personal credit history and business plan.

New business loans are offered in both secured and unsecured forms. With a secured new business loan, you are required to put a security against the loan. Security can be anything such as your home, car or a kind of valuable property. Since the presence of security covers the risk of lending money, thus you can avail these loans at a lower interest rate. On the side, unsecured loans do not ask for any security, but the interest rate is charged comparatively a bit higher.

You need not worry about your credit score if you are seeking for new business loans. If you have a bad credit, look for lenders providing business loans for borrowers having bad credit. You will get cheap loan with low interest and easy repayments which will satisfy your financial situations.

With all its advantages, business loans can help you make your dream come true. Now you can start a new business of your own without any financial crisis.

Tim Kelly is an expert in finance having completed his LLM in Finance (Master of Laws in Finance) from Institute for Law and Finance at Frankfurt University. He is currently working with BadDebtBusinessLoans as a financial advisor. To find New business loans, online business loans, bad credit business loans, secured business loans , unsecured business loans, cheap business loans, bad credit instant business loans, bad credit cheap business loans in UK that best site's you need visit Blog33328
Fanchon Blog77567

Approaching The Right Company Logo Design Firm: A Vital Step To Promote Your Business

Entrepreneurs have an essential task on their hand when considering various strategies of their business promotion. The myriad chores of their work make them hire the services of outside firms to fulfill certain responsibilities on their part. Hiring the services of a logo design firm is one of the vital tasks that owners have to perform. As such, it's very necessary for entrepreneurs to thoroughly investigate the efficiency and service quality of these firms prior to avail of their services.

First and foremost, it's up to the entrepreneurs to decide whether they want the services of traditional logo design firms or that of online ones. A number of business owners feel contented when they are able to keep an eye on their designers. It is understandable that many of them are hesitant to avail the services of online logo design firms, as they are situated miles away from them.

However, it would not be incorrect to say that gone are the days when everything was manually monitored under the eagle eyes of the owners. Today, most established firms hire the services of online firms situated far away from their clients. With respect to logo design firms, all that the entrepreneurs have to do is to assign them their tasks. The designers only have to be presented with the vision of the company and that is all! Established company logo design firms do not require any more interference on part of their clients.

The question arises as to how an entrepreneur can approach the right design firm. It's commonly to be seen that most entrepreneurs feel hesitant while investing in these firms. Besides, nothing can be more irritating than wasting your valuable hours with your designer to make revisions on your logo design. So it's very important that an entrepreneur approaches an absolutely professional logo design firm that offers money back guarantee if it fails to satisfy its customers.

To decide about the efficiency of a company logo design firm, entrepreneurs need to see the number of designers who are appointed to work on a single project. An efficient online firm appoints at least two designers on a single project who are expected to display newer concepts in every company logo.

There are certain design firms who charge extra for every revision made in the company logo design. These extra charges are a pain in the neck of the clients who have hired their services. As such entrepreneurs breathe a sigh of relief when they come across such design firms that do not charge extra for the revisions made. Not only that, a good company logo design firm also offers additional services to its customers with little or no extra charge.

With these guidelines in mind, entrepreneurs would never have to face a tough time when approaching a logo design firm.

Suzanne Macguire is an Internet marketing professional with expertise in content development and technical writing in a variety of industries.Violante Blog31074
Essa Blog62814

Why You Need IOVC -Internet, Office, VOIP and CRM Technologies to Succed in Business

If you are looking for success through the use of the internet and the current voice technologies, then as a business owner you owe it to yourself to make yourself profitable with the many readily available, emerging technology tools. Years ago, these tools were only available to large business and in some case were shrunk or made t fit for medium business, but seldom for small business and definitely not for a single person business.

If you work your way through the marketing and industry hype and really focus on the basics, there are four key capabilities or technologies that drive your day to day business operation. They are the internet, office, voice and CRM technologies. f you can get a lock on these four capabilities then you must exploit them for maximum profitability to service your customer better. The goal is that IOVC technologies must not be anti-productive to the way your business works today. IOVC technologies should be complimentary and enhance the business processes you manage daily.

Examining IOVC technologies in a little more depth, we can start to understand the real impact upon your business and personal life.

The Internet - The internet is bigger then a website, it is a community just as large if not larger then your neighborhood or city you live in. Because you can not touch and feel the internet, most small business owners become bewildered because of the sheer size of the internet. We should not fear it because at one time the world seem flat until that thought process was changed. Now with the internet, there are many marketers who believe they can conquer the internet. They now use terms like VRE for virtual real estate and they understand the simple definition of the internet; its a group of people walking down a digital avenue looking for your products ad service. The group that wants your product is the group you need to capture to buy your services. With this definition you can not afford to ignore it anymore.

Office Operations - When it comes to your office operations, your business is driven by your current systems and applications. Regardless of the business size, large business or a small business, your office operations are usually driven by standalone software driven applications. These applications have communications technology that coordinate well with their own vendor and support technologies but rarely, do they communicate across vendor, product lines. This means you the business owner have many office tools assaulting your senses for attention each and every day. This mania for attention spills down into your people who become forced to work in silos, become addicted to working overtime based on the way your standalone applications and computer systems have been installed and evolved over time.

Telephone Services - With voice service, many people are beginning to at least hear a lot about VOIP (Voice over IP), or internet phone service. Some call it Internet Telephony. This is a testament to how fast it is growing. Just a few years ago VOIP was still a very unreliable unknown. It is now a term that has invaded many businesses and households. While it is a better replacement for traditional phone service, most folks are still not fully aware of all the unique qualities that separate it from traditional phone service. We will go into this more in part two but for now, understand it is much more then a service that lets people talk. Voice is a voice to data transformation technology, and this data is very powerful when it follows you around. A small business cannot afford to ignore the benefits of this expense reducing and business enhancing service.

Customer Relationship Management - Finally, most business owners understand that the key to creating an excellent customer relationship is the management of the interface between the customer and their point of contact within the organization. Too often processes which suit the business are not customer-friendly, however much they suit the internal needs of the office operations of years gone by. Your customers want service; your team wants to service your customer in the best way possible. You as the business owner grew the business interacting with your customers, so you know continued business success requires a very flexible and profit producing customer relationship strategy. This is the point where sales and service take place. Your customer relations ship strategy and service alone drives the current business and all future interactions with in your company. This has to become a very organized and a very timely service.

To gain the benefit of these technologies, a business owner needs an integrated solution that takes these capabilities and makes sure they meet your needs. With an integrated IOVC technology solution, your business processes are synchronized from initial point of customer contact all the way through your day to day operations right up to product delivery.

The overall result is your days become easier, your team becomes more productive, your customer becomes happier and your business becomes more profitable

Greg Burrus provides small business solutions as an internet and offce technlogy consultant. Greg helps people succeed through the use of internet, office, voice and CRM (IOVC) solutions. visit Blog33462
Filia Blog24952

Attention: Home Business Owner--Are You A Time Waster?

It's a sad fact that the average home business owner never earns a profit in their business. It has become clear to me as I meet more and more new business owners why it is that the vast majority of them are struggling to earn money with their businesses. They waste their time on the unimportant stuff and neglect the key activities that will begin to make them money in the home based business industry.

Given the lack of training provided by some companies, and given that the blind often end up leading the blind in business, I though it would be helpful to lay down some basic necessities for the new business owner to use as a blueprint to success in their home business:

1. Find a mentor or create what Napoleon Hill calls in "Think and Grow Rich," a mastermind group. A group of people who meet regularly to game plan and work out answers to problems that they or the other members are having. This group can be in person or via an online conference room. These types of people will guide you with their own successes and difficulties the have faced in business and provide you with a reality check about the level of desire, commitment, and dedication you must have to build a successful business from home.

2. Stay away time wasters. I mean ALL time wasters. If you often find yourself searching link exchanges for the newest way to "Get Rich Quick," or "Earn Money in 15 Minutes" you need to reexamine your level of dedication to the business you are trying to build. If I can impart only one pearl of wisdom to you it is this: there is NO "super simple" road to wealth. All wealth creation takes time, but some methods are just simpler or more effective than others. Set up a daily schedule and stick to it, you'll be amazed by how much more productive you will become when you follow a checklist.

3. Make "Work Time" actual Work Time. Just because you are sitting at your desk doesn't mean you are working. Wasting time may be fine when you're someone's employee, but when you are your own boss ask yourself whether you'd be happy with your own level of activity and productivity. Work time is not chat with your significant other time, call your mom time, shop on the Internet time, chat online time, or pay the electricity bill time. Work time should be scheduled in stone and given the respect it deserves. I promise, the amount of work you do in the beginning will make or break your business.

4. Just because you are on the phone with a prospect doesn't mean that they are the type of person you want to do business with. Sometimes it's hard to do it, but there are time when YOU should reject a prospect--they're just too much headache. These prospects are the feet dragging, penny-pinching, malcontents that complain about your program before you explain it to them, seem to get irritated by the minute details of what you are saying, and then ask "How long before I start making $50,000 a month?" These are not the type of people you want to work with, and in the end you will be much happier when you don't have to waste time with someone who wants you to drag them toward success. You'll make more money without them in your organization.

5. If you find something that works, stick with it. Too often I find new business owners that want to "reinvent the wheel," as the old clich says. They go into business with someone who has achieved a high level of success, but won't follow directions when given advice that will earn them income if carried out. It's ridiculous how many people will not follow simple directions. The people who make it the biggest in the home based business industry are those who follow directions the best. And on the flipside: never take advice from someone who is more screwed up than you. It's amazing how many people will chime in with their two cents on how you should build your business or why it's never going to work, or why it's a scam. Let them have their day jobs and their opinions, I'm just happy not to have to make that commute to work anymore.

Regardless of what opportunity you are in, wasting time is truly the scourge of virtually every new and struggling business owner. The fasted route to success is by following in the footsteps of those who have achieved a level of success that you want to achieve, and are willing to instruct you on their methods for building a home based business. All you must do is clean out your ears, be willing to follow directions, ask someone for the answers to the hard questions. But most of all you must respect your time, and respect your teacher's time as if it were your own. When people begin seeking you out for answers you will begin to truly see why your time is so valuable.

Jesse BolandValentina Blog86755
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